jueves, 11 de junio de 2015


Fish, meat, vegetables.... Food is essential for everyday life. Today is easy to get food but in not in the past. Food was very diffi to garved to death.et 
Firstly, food was so expensive. It was very hard to keep food from going bad. People did a lot of different things to preserve food. They dried fruit, they put food in salty water to make pickles or fermented juice a to turn it into wine or beer. They smoked meat or used honey as a preservative.

(Pincha aquí)


Research about the topic given by the teacher about Greek or Roman food.

Make a poster adding the picture given to you and the explanation.

Write 3 or 4 questions leaving a space for the answers.

(After correction)

Write down your text in a document (.doc). Write using this Times New Roman 18. Don't forget to write the questions with the correct answers. 

Send the document to the teacher (profesormiguelmariscal@gmail.com) 

martes, 26 de mayo de 2015



Durante el tercer trimestre vamos a estar trabajando las dos grandes civilizaciones de la Antigüedad que han marcado el devenir de nuestra cultura, religión, idioma y costumbres. Se trata de las civilizaciones griega y romana.

Uno de los aspectos más interesantes de la civilización griega son los Juegos Olímpicos, que aunque bastante cambiados han llegado a nuestros días y cada cuatro años se siguen celebrando.

In our class we will read a text about the origins of the Ancient Olympic Games. They were born in Olympia, and there are many legends around its begginings.The Ancient Olympic Games were so different to ours, because only Greek men could participate. As you know there were several events such as wrestling, boxing, chariot racing, javelin, discus, etc.

In 2004, some weeks before the Olympic Games in Athens Televisión Española made a series in which the Ancient Olympic Games were reconstructed. Have a look at these videos on Youtube and you will see what the Ancient Olympic Games were like.

Have a look at the chapters on Youtube:

Campeones de Olimpia Cap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Then have a look at The Ancient Olympic Games on the BBC (click here)

martes, 10 de febrero de 2015


Uno de los gráficos fundamentales en Historia es el eje cronológico. Este es una representación de sobre una línea del tiempo de las principales etapas y acontecimientos históricos.

Para ello es fundamental dividir la línea en los espacios que necesitemos (decenios, siglos o milenios) siempre proporcionalmente.

Una vez que hemos dividido nuestra línea, procedemos a dibujar las etapas y posteriormente añadimos los principales eventos de cada periodo.

Este es el que hemos hecho en 1º ESO C

martes, 20 de enero de 2015


Unit 4: Prehistory

Hi students, Finally we finished Geography and for the next 6 months we will learn much about History. I hope you will be ready for a new topic.

As I taught in class,History is divided into two main periods: Prehistory and History.

Prehistory: is the period of history of humanity before the appear of writting

History: after the invention of writting.

So writing was a very important invention and a real revolution for humankind.